Guidance and Discipline Policy
Our policy on discipline consists of emphasizing positive behavior, and providing skills and guidance to re-direct children into solving problems on their own with minimal teacher assistance. Teacher’s make themselves available to children at all times, and give children the tools and words to help them accomplish this task. We do not practice any form of corporal punishment, physical or emotional.
We believe that children have the right to express themselves and their feelings in any manner that is available to them, while maintaining the safety of all children in care. Children that wish to express themselves through screaming and yelling are permitted to do so, in a designated calming area free from other children, as some children do not have the appropriate words to express their feelings. In this scenario, when the child has calmed, the problem is discussed and child is provided with words he can use to express his feelings, and welcome to return to the area he was previously learning in. After a five minute period, if the child is unable to calm himself, a teacher will provide the child with any necessary actions, to help calm him, such as cuddles, touch, closeness and discussion.
We use natural and logical consequences in managing children’s behaviour. A natural consequence is defined as a consequence that occurs from the behavior, such as, “when you throw the toys, they will break”. A logical consequence is defined as a consequence that is appropriate for the behavior, such as, “I see that you colored on the wall, here’s a cloth to clean it off”.
In addition to these consequences, we also limit the use of equipment, re-direct, and make minimal uses of time-out. To effectively use these strategies, first we remind children of the limit, “blocks are for building”, state the reason, “if you throw the blocks, someone could get hit, or hurt”, state the consequence,” if you continue to throw blocks, you will have to move to another area” , limit the use,” because you’re still wanting to throw the blocks, you are done with them now,” re-direct, “there are balls in the nap room for throwing”, time out, “because you’re not choosing to use the balls, and are still throwing blocks, you need to come and sit with a box toy.”
We understand that all children are unique individuals, and that not all situations can be dealt with in the same manner. Children must be respected, taught self-worth, and feel valued in our Centre. The staff at Teeter Tots Early Learning Centre work together, to support and advocate for each other, as well as the children in attendance.
Sick Child Policy
It is our policy to not admit children who are exhibiting one or more of the following
signs and symptoms of illness;
Stiff neck
Fever – whether mild or severe
Pain – whether mild or severe, from known or unknown reasons
Stomach ache or cramping
Sore throat
Runny nose
Breathing problems, uncontrolled eg. Wheezing
Skin rash
Head lice
Disease – e.g: Measles, flu, chicken pox, pneumonia, and other communicable diseases.
Conjunctivitis – or otherwise infected eyes
Ear infection
If a child becomes ill or is injured while in the daycare, the parents will be notified. If a parent cannot be contacted, the alternate contact person will be notified.
Serious incidents will be reported to the Child Care Licensing department.
Parents must sign a Medication Administration Permission Form for each day required.
Health and Safety Policy
Photocopies of the children’s Immunization Records must be attached to the Registration Forms.
Monthly Fire Drills are practiced and posted on the staff bulletin board.
First Aid Kit are to be kept up to date and used in drills, Emergency Evacuations and taken on all Field Trips.
Emergency Cards are to be taken on Drills, Emergency Evacuations and Field Trips, in the First Aid Kit.
Teacher's First Aid Certificates are to be kept up to date.
Gloves (latex) will always be used in dealing with contact of any blood, mucous, bodily fluids, etc.
Children that are sick with a communicable illness are not to attend classes. If the child develops signs of a communicable disease while in the daycare, the teacher will let the Health Unit know within 24 hours or sooner.
In the event of an emergency where a child must be taken to the Hospital, the teacher will call for an Ambulance. The teacher will then accompany the child to the Hospital Emergency Department and contact the parent from the Hospital. A Serious Incident Report will be sent to the Medical Health Officer of the Licensing Department within 24 hours.
If the teacher suspects that a child has been physically or sexually abused, the teacher will contact the Ministry for Children and Families.
Emergency Supplies will be kept on site. These will consist of a flashlight, candles, radio with batteries, food, water, and a first aid kit.
Safety Rules – these will be discussed throughout the year with special emphasis on seasonal events such as Halloween, Field Trips, etc.
A healthy lifestyle will be encouraged by promoting nutrition and exercise.
All children in Group Daycare are given a rest time after lunch. Those who do not sleep are given quiet activities after a short quiet time.
I will provide the following items for my child:
a. Indoor footwear
b. Complete change of clothing
c. Proper outdoor footwear
d. Outdoor wear appropriate to the season and current weather conditions
e. Sunscreen
15. I will label all my child’s belongings clearly.
16. I give permission for my child to attend field trips whether by foot, bus or by daycare van.